Granite, if installed in an important manner without any doubt can add much needed natural spark to the countertops regardless of spaces where they are installed due to their abundance of natural patterns it offers. But, the main question that has to counter is how to maintain their such a luxurious look over time or is it simple or hard to maintain? Being a specialist tile flooring Miami Florida tiling professionals & on the back of our experience, we do believe that maintaining a natural look of granite is not going to be hard job to take care but can be tricky one instead.
When it comes to clean granite countertop on daily basis, it is easy but there exists some do’s and don’ts that you have to look for. So, we have got some tips that surely will help you maintain your granite countertops within a day in day out activities (Share it…to let people know). Just, take a look below:
- Being a natural material, Granite is porous in nature which means it is very much prone to the absorption. So, a little bit of unintentional dropping (especially in kitchens)of some kind of acidic liquids like lemon, orange, and vinegar etc, can be settled down quickly and hard to get rid off easily if remains there for a long time. So, it is highly advised to wipe such spills as soon. But, there is definitely exist a much sought-able remedy that all requires a subtle wiping by the lukewarm water and apply it gently with dish soap mixture against the surface.
- Never ever used some synthetic chemical (i.e. so-called soft sellable cleaners available in the stores) to clear such stains or other methods like bleaching instead, all they are going to do complex a cleaning process rather than solving it. Because Granite is tumbled in nature thus never opt or get attracted to use harsh chemical compounds on a surface. So, all you have do is fetch some minutes from your routine and gently wipe the surface daily.
Extra Useful Tips: It is strongly recommended by the professionals to seal your countertop material whether it’s a marble, limestone, soapstone, and granite in order to avoid any kind of penetration. But Granite, unlike the other materials requires an annual sealing or may once in two or three years (as all depend upon the condition).
So, it is regarded as a nice move to seal your granite countertop before it gets any kind problem.
As mentioned above, never use any kind of an abrasive sponge and cleaning liquids on Granite countertop but in any case, there is an urgency to use such synthetic cleaners than only put your hands on safer or reliable manufacturer product only. And also prevent your surface well out the reach of hot utensils like pans.
Conclusion: You may hear a number of opinions or talking regarding what material or method going to be an ideal one for cleaning your countertop. But, believe us all you have to do is to establish a proper maintainability schedule if you are really want to avoid a future problem with your material.
Want to acquire some more information regarding flooring & countertop installation, then visit us the best residential renovation services Miami contractors.